September 24, 2012

My Perfect Fall Weekend

Friday evening couldn’t come fast enough for me.  My new iPhone had arrived and was screaming at me to be used! I spent the evening impatiently waiting for everything to be copied over from my old phone.  Of course we are talking about a  couple of hours – but it felt like forever.  Then she was complete.  She is beautiful.  Still testing her out, but so far, nothing but happiness.

Me & Phone

Saturday, as usual, started out lazy.  Colton and I watched Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 – and I cried like a baby AGAIN!  That movie couldn’t have ended more perfect in my opinion.  Love it. Then around noon, Ash started harassing me to put some Halloween decorations out.  So we set to it.  We started off with a plain old mantle.

mantle empty

And with a few Dollar Store items and a branch from the yard (which I spray painted silver), I think it turned out quite cute.

mantle complete big

mantle b

mantle a

mantle complete

The most important thing is that both kids love it.  They had fun helping me get it all together too.  Ashley cannot wait to start decorating outside too, but I told her maybe next weekend.

On Sunday, I decided that Ash and I needed a mother/daughter date, so we headed out to get pedicures.  There was a half hour wait at the salon, so we hit up Noodles & Company for lunch.  I had my usual Japanese Pan Noodles with Chicken and Ash got her Meatball Marinara Sandwich with a side Caesar Salad.  How she doesn’t like pasta is beyond me!

noodles 1

noodles ash

We chatted about school, clothes, Halloween costumes and of course boys. I can’t express in words what a amazing feeling it is to see that little girl of mine blossoming into a young lady. She loves getting pampered – just like her mom. She sits in the massage chair like a pro – ITouch in hand, playing games and listening to music.  We finished with just enough time to rush over to the football fields to catch Colton’s game.  It was a beautiful fall day, even though it was windy and chilly. 

ash football


Happy to report that Demolition won their game again – making them undefeated so far with three wins.  Colton scored the first touchdown of the game too.  I was one proud momma!  After the game, Colton had a baseball clinic to go to, so Ash and I went to visit with Grandma and Grandpa. 

And there you have it friends – a perfect fall weekend.

weekend updateyolomondays200x200lightpinkFINAL


Monica said...

I'm loving your Halloween themed mantle! The day my Iphone4 arrived I literally looked out the window ALL day. I hope you are enjoying the 5! All the best- Monica

Sarah said...

love getting pedis! not gonna lie- i'm a little jealous that's what you did yesterday :)

Nicole said...

I'm getting the new iPhone... only b/c hubby said I was haha! But we're switching service providers so....

Angie said...

Sounds like a pretty awesome weekend!

I've been wanting an IPhone but have yet made the leap. I've got a Droid and everyone assures me they are the same thing. I still think I need an IPhone!

Sounds like you and Ash had a great day. I so know what you mean by Ash blossoming into a young lady. Anika really amazes me sometimes. It's bittersweet though. I know in a few years she's going to be out on her own doing her own things. Kinda breaks my heart :(

I bet you was a proud momma. The first touchdown of the game sets the tone for the whole game

Angie said...

I forgot to mention, your mantle ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

First things first!
Totally am in love with the decorating! It turned out spook-tack-ular! lol :)

Secondly, totes jeally that you got the new Iphone! I heard it's nothing short of amazing!! :) My brother is trying to convince me that i should get that for him for his birthday!

Football was deff cold this weekend!! Glad you all were able to bundle up! :)

Anonymous said...

haha i was scared to email back from my email because i wasn't sure where it was going to go, so here i am posting another comment!!

I for sure have a few tips!! Halloween isn't for another month!! I can do a quick little video and just post it to my vlog (that and it will be on my youtube channel) that way you can watch while you're doing it!! Or you know, we are pretty close, we could meet up maybe! haha! :)

We'll start with a video because i don't know how busy you are, but with the American Cancer Soceity , i'm sooo busy right now, so going out is hard. But i'll put something together...Zombie Bride you say...That's going to be FUN!! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh, and totally flattered that you thought of me!! :D