January 31, 2013

Things I Don't Love Thursday

Today I was lucky enough to happen upon a new to me blog, and after reading Melissa's posts, I was inspired to join in with her link-up:


Waking up at 3:00am the last few nights.  I've mentioned before a time or two that I love and need my sleep.  So the fact that I've been waking up lately around 3:00am due to hot flashes is pissing me off.  Hope my body gets back to normal soon.

Michigan Weather.  This week has been a crazy mess here in Michigan.  First we had a snow/ice storm on Monday, it was near 60 degrees on Tuesday, had horrible rain on Wednesday and back to snow and ice today.  Looks like that craps sticking around for awhile too.

Breast Reconstruction Surgery.  After reading a crap ton of information on reconstruction, I think I'll remain a one-boob wonder forever.   It just sounds too scary and gross to me.

Excuses.  People if you don't want to do something, then just say it.  Do not give me a line of BS on why you can't do it. 

Losing.  I seriously HATE losing, and I especially hate losing every game of Jewels with Buddies.  I have not gotten any better in the freaking 6 months I've been playing it.  I suck.  If you want to beat me, I'm GurleeGirrl.


January 30, 2013

Why Is It....

  • that every time my nails grow out, one of them has to break (crazy low) and ruin it?
  • that I've never been a fan of peanut butter, but I can sit down and eat a whole jar of Sunflower Seed Butter?
  • that as soon as I buy a song for my iPod, I end up being sick of it?
  • that I run out of gas on the coldest/rainiest/crappiest morning of the week?
  • that no matter which line I pick, it's always the slowest line ever?
  • that "the layered look" looks good on the size 2 model, but not on me?
  • that every pair of shoes I bought from "Shoedazzle" hurt my feet? 
  • that it kills me to spend more than $15 for anything?
  • that although I hate going to work out, I always feel so great afterwards?
What has you saying "Why is it"?


January 29, 2013

Catching Up

As I mentioned on Friday, this weekend was a sports-free weekend which means I took full advantage of that!  I slept in on Saturday to around 10:00am! It was heavenly.  After all the rest I got, I was able to make it to the gym and had a pretty great workout.  Again, reading makes my time there so much more enjoyable. 

When I got home I had a package waiting for me.  After seeing my girl-crush Gwen Stefani wearing this coat, I knew I had to have it!

At a price of $895, it was not in my price range!  Last week I noticed that it was on sale, and after using a 15% coupon the coat became much more affordable, so I bought it.  Call it a late Christmas present!!  I was so impressed with the packaging, I now know what rich people feel like!

I can't wait for the weather to warm up a little to wear it.  I see me rocking it a lot!

For dinner we headed to Longhorn and I shared a beautiful 30 oz. porterhouse, with a side of asparagus and sweet potato.   It was amazing.  I swear I could have eaten the whole thing myself, but I didn't.

And then, I took it as a sign from God, their "for a limited time only" dessert was a S'mores Brownie!!! Well I just had to "try" it.  It was DELICIOUS!!!!

It was a total fall off the diet wagon, but it was so worth it.  Nothing makes me happier than gooey marshmallows! 

If you were wondering, although I ate somewhat bad, I ended up losing 2 lbs. this week.  So I am really happy and content with my progress.  Slow and steady wins the race right?

On Sunday, after hitting the gym again, I spent most of the day catching up on the entire season of Dallas.  Has anyone else watched this?  Or is it just me?  It started back up last night I think, so I am excited to see what's up at Southfork.

Monday turned into a snow/ice day, so school was called.  I was happy to "call in" to work so I could spend the day with my babies!! These days are so rare for me.  I took full advantage of it.

I also spent some time catching up on Nashville!  If you do not watch, you should!  The music is phenomenal and the storyline isn't have bad either. 

Yesterday was an ice storm and today it's near 60 degrees here!  No wonder I have a crazy migraine killing me today.  Thank goodness for this:

Whether I drink it warm or over ice, I'm loving it.  Do you have any other Green Tea flavors to recommend?


January 25, 2013

[Gurlee]Girrl Friday

Hard to believe that today is the last Friday in January.  That means the month is almost over!! Time is flying by. 

Friday also means it's time to see my nails this week:

Loved the color - Cha-Ching Cherry - and I was really happy with the way all my dots were turning out thanks to Jenny for all of her tips!  Like everything I do, I kinda went overboard with the dots and by the end of the week I wasn't loving them anymore.  This mani was more of a practice than anything.  Have you had success with dotting tools? 

Now on to some Friday randomness:

  • I swear it has taken my 4 hours to get this far in my post.  My brain is all over the place today.
  • Maybe because I'm dreaming about seeing my boys NKOTB, 98 Degrees and Boyz II Men this summer.  Bought our tickets today. 

  • I'm reading for this freaking weather to start cooperating with me right now!!  I do not like snow.  I do not like single digit temps.  It's been hell for me to just leave the house.  I hate it. 
  • There are no volleyball or basketball games scheduled this weekend, so momma gets to sleep in!! I really love sleeping.  A lot.
  • I think I'm reading 3 different books right now.  For some reason that makes me happy.  I hate when books end and by reading so many at one time, I'm stretching the whole thing out.  Thanks Debbie for all of the loans.  You rock.
And with that, I'm off to read a few more chapters.  Have a great weekend and if you are feeling the same bitter cold I am, stay WARM!


January 23, 2013

Hearts <3

When I was younger, I would get so excited when my mom decorated our house for the holidays.  It didn’t matter to me if it was for Christmas, Halloween, Easter or Fourth of July.  Any decorations always made me happy.  This has carried on with me into my own home.  I love to add little touches around the house for every holiday.  I became that  giddy little girl again this week while putting my Valentine’s Day décor up.

valentine mantel 6

valentine mantel 3

valentine mantel 2

valentine mantel 4

valentine mantel 7

valentine mantel 1

I love the way it turned out.  All the items were purchased at Home Goods, besides the two Prints, which I found online. 

The kids love it.  Valentine’s Day is special at our house, since it is Colton’s birthday.  So when he sees all the decorations out, first he knows his birthday is coming soon, and two he thinks the decorations are for his birthday!  It’s nice to see him get excited over them, and now of course, I’m in full party planning mode.

What are your thoughts on decorating for Valentine’s Day?  Yes or no?

January 22, 2013

The Facts of Me

Facts of Me

Whitney is hosting a one-time linkup titled “The Facts of Me”.  Although I share my everyday stuff here, there are some things you may not know about me:

Fact – I’m very unorganized.  This is true in all aspects of my life.  I can never find things when I want them.  Since my job requires me to be somewhat organized, I try, but it’s still a mess.

Fact – I prefer Dark Chocolate over Milk Chocolate. 

Fact – I never drink milk.  I will dunk cookies in it and pour it over cereal to soften it, but I won’t drink it in a glass.

Fact – I have zero interior decorating skills.  Some people can take trash and make them look like treasures.  I take treasures and make them look like trash. 

Fact – I do not know how to style hair.  My lifelong dream of being a hairdresser will never happen.  When I “try” to fix my daughter’s hair, it’s a big fail.  However, I can style MY hair like no other person can.  Thank God!!!!

Fact – I am a crazy, over-protective mother.  This past summer is the first time I let my kids (11 & 7) play outside without an adult being with them.  And forget about letting them ride around the block.  EEEEEK

Fact – I hate talking on the phone.  Hate it.  Don’t call me. 

Fact – I use a calculator for solving simple math problems.  I never feel sure about my numbers – ie., 9 x 6 is it 54 or 56?  I use a calculator.

Fact – I’m an impulse buyer, even on big ticket items.  I do not do my “homework”.  Been burned by this too.

Well, I hope you learned a few things about me.  Now go check out some other “facts” about some other amazing bloggers!

January 18, 2013

[Gurlee]Girrl Friday

I don't want to say it, but I have not been feeling up to par this week.  Not. At. All.  Sore throat and stuffy head/nose.  It sucks.  But even though I didn't feel good, I still wanted my nails to look good.

Luckily Jenny Jenny made a trip to the "hair store" and picked me up a new, fresh polish this week.  China Glaze has a new line out called Tranzitions.  Basically when you add a top coat over the polish, it changes colors.  Sounds super neato right?

I thought it came out pretty cool.  I did have a hard time not putting a top coat on all of my nails, but I used the China Glaze First & Last as a base coat and the polish adhered marvelously.  I barely have any wear or chips 5 days in!  Freaking fantastic polish!  I will be getting a few more of these colors.  I loved the consistency of this polish.  Also, I plan on doing some dotting or designs with the clear coat to see how that comes out.

Have you tried Tranzitions yet?

Now on to some randomness:

  • I am excited to say that my new workout clothes was an incentive to hit the gym.  I have made it to either the gym or Jazzercise class everyday this week.  Surprisingly my body isn't hating me.
  • On Sunday, only 13 days into my Paleo diet, I wanted something "dessert-y" like cake.  So I made some Banana Muffins and they were amazing.  No sugar, no white flour, just yummy goodness.

  • I feel like I accomplished so much with the kids eating this week.  Both kids have at least tasted everything that was cooked this week including, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, zucchini, squash, spaghetti squash, broccoli and cauliflower.  Both of their favorite being Brussels Sprouts!!

  • Knowing this eating healthy is more for me than for them, I was a nice mom this week and let them have some microwave popcorn for their evening treat.  Of course Cole was craving chocolate, so I gave him a handful of chocolate chips too.  I told him best way to eat them was to throw them in with his popcorn (which I do with Nonpareils at the movies!).  He thought it was the bomb.com and thinks I'm the smartest mom around.
  • My beautiful little ladybug surprised me this week with questions like, "Mom when can I date someone?" and "If I tell you I have a boyfriend, will I be in trouble?".  My response was are you freaking on crack "Why do you????"  She said "No, but when I get one, are you gonna let me go out with him?"  OMG I'm not ready for this.  Not at 11 years old! Ha ha - but I do remember in 6th grade having a boyfriend...but not one I would have told my mom about!  Thank goodness she feels safe enough to even approach me with her questions.  She might not like the answers, but I'm glad she asks the questions.
  • My weekend of fun will begin tomorrow with a 9:15am volleyball game.  Kinda bummed that I'll miss Cole's basketball game that starts at 8:15am, but only slightly, since I only get to sleep in on the weekends and being ready for an 8:15am game is NOT sleeping in!
  • Looking forward to Jenny Jenny trimming up my little mans mohawk too tomorrow.  It's getting harder and harder to make it stand up - it must be 3 inches tall!  He cracks me up.  I'm shocked he still wants it.
With that - I'm off to enjoy some of this thing we call a weekend!  Hope you all have a great one too!


January 17, 2013

Best Feeling Ever

After reading Faith's post today about her "fears" of having children, I was trying to type up a comment to her.  It would be easy to say "everyone feels like that" or "if you wait for the perfect time, you'll be waiting forever".  Honestly, I am sure that everyone does experience fear or have doubts about whether or not they are "ready".  I probably wasn't "ready" when I became pregnant with Ashley, heck I'm not even sure I'm "ready" now.  But I am a mom.  I've been a mom since the day I found out I was pregnant with her.  That's when I realized it wasn't about me anymore, it was about her.

Being a parent is hard.  It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do.  Yeah I make mistakes.  I make them every single day, but who doesn't?  My parents made mistakes.  Nobody's perfect right?

She mentioned that time flies by.  This becomes even more the case once you have kids.  They go from babies to toddlers to teens in the blink of an eye.  They are depending on you for every little thing one day and the next, they do not need or want your help.  They go from relying on you to lead them in the right direction, to making decisions on their own, with or without your input.

Colton will be 8 years old next month.  He has always been my little lover boy and shown me a ton of affection.  Within the last few years, I see a change in him publicly.  He will not hold my hand, he won't let me touch him, and for sure there is no kissing!  But at home, he still is my little boy.  He cuddles with me nightly and loves to read books to me while laying across my lap.  The other night Marcy tagged me in an Instagram post for  #WIDN.  At that exact moment, being physically exhausted from working out, I was lying on the couch cuddling with my little man, which was pure heaven.  It made me think, these moments are certainly winding down.  I won't have many opportunities where he'll WANT or LET me cuddle him.  He is growing into an independent young man, and being his mother, it's absolutely heartbreaking and gratifying at the same time.

And although my daughter takes me to the edge of my sanity daily, she is and will always be my perfect little ladybug.  I wouldn't trade being her mom for anything else in the world.  Yesterday morning she said "hey mom, can I take my picture with you?" and I said "why?".  She said so I can put it on Instagram.  Say what?  She actually  WANTS the world (or at least her peers) to see her with her mom??  I must be doing something right.

When I see Ashley putting together a ridiculous outfit, or Colton getting excited about reading a book, it hits me.  I am a part of those kids.  They took a piece of me with them when they left my body.  They absorbed all of the good things and some of the bad things too!  Knowing that I am helping them become the best persons they can be, honors me.  As a mom, I only want the best for them.  I don't expect Ashley to be the smartest kid in her class nor do I expect Cole to be the best ball player on his team.  I just hope that I have given them the foundation to be their best.  I pray that being afraid to fail, doesn't keep them from trying.  As long as they try, I know I've done my job.  

Hearing my kids say "I Love You" - I'll tell you, it's the BEST FEELING EVER.

Although my baby-making days are over, I still get "baby fever".  I love seeing all the "soon to be mommas" blogging about their pregnancies and then love seeing those little miracles when they are born.  I hope someday (soon) I see Faith blogging about  maternity clothes, crazy cravings, swollen ankles and the most amazing feeling ever - the first flutter of movement!  Until then, I will continue to be inspired by her OOTD posts, be jealous of all the amazing food she eats and enjoy all the Sean pictures she continues to take, even though he hates it!


January 15, 2013

Lipstick at the Gym?

I've mentioned my lipstick obsession before, so it shouldn't be a shocker to learn that I wear lipstick to the gym.  I do get some looks from people surely shocked that my red lips are blazing, but the rest of me is a site for sore eyes.

I've never been one to dress up to work out.  I'm lucky to leave the house in an old pair of sweatpants and an over-sized t-shirt, which may or may not be a men's shirt, with or without holes.  It's quite embarrassing.

Of course people watching is something I do everywhere, and the gym certainly has it's share of people to watch.  I've been noticing the ladies around the gym wearing matching tanks and pants.  They look cute.  I decided I want to look cute too.  So of course I went on a shopping trip.  I hit up Old Navy to see what goodies I could find. What great luck I had, as all of their active wear is currently on sale so I loaded up:

I purchased this shirt in three colors.

I was wishing they had this shirt in other colors, but it was only available in Grey, so I bought it.

Best of all - all of the above shirts were on sale for $10.

As for pants, I ended up buying a few different styles:

Compression Capri

Compression Legging

Flare Leg Compression Pant

The pants were on sale too, ranging from $10 to $18.

My favorite buy is the compression jacket.  I can wear this to the gym, or even with jeans.  It's a great color and the fit is perfect.

The coats were $25, which is high, but the fact I can wear it often, made it worth the money.

Do you "dress" up to go to the gym? What about makeup - is it a yes or a no?

Oh, and if you were wondering how I was doing on my weight loss journey, I'm down 2 lbs. this week. It's not a huge amount, but I'm glad to finally see the scale moving in the right direction!


January 11, 2013

[Gurlee]Girrl Friday

What a looooonnnnnggggg week it as been.  I guess getting back into the swing of things is taking some time.  I like short work weeks.  These regular ones are for the birds.

This week me and Jenny Jenny had a nail-polish swap.  She picked out 4 colors from my collection and in return I got to take 4 from hers.  I’m a bold and bright kinda girl and she is a dark and neutral kinda girl.  I’m happy to be trying some different colors that I normally wouldn’t try.

polish swap

Of the new polishes, I picked this as my first, solely based on it’s name - OPI Chicago Champagne Toast.  One of my favorite bands (who coincidentally is from Chicago)  AM Taxi has a song called Champagne Toast which is a fave of mine.  Lucky for me, the color is awesome.  I’ve worn it ALL week, which is super rare for me.  Sometimes I think everything else about me is pretty over-the-top, so every now and then, I’m drawn to something soft, pretty and girly.  That’s this color:

Nails 1-10

What do you think?  Are you drawn to a certain color?  Are you into cheery bright, bold darks, neutrals, sparkles or matte?

Some Friday Randomness:

  • Super stoked that Shameless will begin their season 3 on Sunday.  I’ve missed that effed up Gallagher family so much. 


  • I’m not a teeny-bopper nor am I even close to being in my 20’s, but I am a girl (at heart) and when I heard this song by One Direction, I melted.  Simon Cowell you are a GENIUS – picking this song for these boys.  The young girls (and this old one) is totally swooning over this song.
  • The kids’ winter sports session started this week.  That means we will have volleyball/basketball filled Saturdays again for awhile.  The break was nice, but I’m looking forward to seeing them have some fun again.
  • Colton’s birthday is next month, and I need to start planning his birthday party.  I think I have him talked into having a bowling party (he had one 2 years ago).  They are easy, fairly cheap and the kids enjoy it.  Having a not-at-home party takes away a ton of work for me, so I pray he sticks with the plan.
  • Taking Colton to Bingo night at school tonight.  He has been talking about it for days.  He knows how much this momma loves bingo.  I hope he wins something – he will be overjoyed.
  • I was extremely bummed this morning when I reach for my favorite coffee flavor this morning and it was empty:

Coconut Mocha

So instead I grabbed one of these:


Yummmmy – nice change of pace.

  • Planning on seeing Zero Dark Thirty this weekend.  It’s received great reviews, so I hope it doesn’t disappoint.
  • ZD30
  • The weather here in Michigan is forecasted to reach a high of 55 degrees tomorrow, which means, I will find a way to spend some time outside too!
  • With that friends, I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

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