April 2, 2012

I Did It!

I am happy to reveal that I did it...I won the Biggest Loser Competition I've been participating in. 

The competition lasted 12-weeks, and I lost a total of 24.2 Lbs! (we as a group lost over 65 lbs.)  I am competitive by nature, but I never really thought I'd win.  However, I'm happy to report I won about $100, which will be used to help fund my upcoming "bingo bus" trip.

Because we actually enjoyed having "accountability" each week, we have decided to begin a new competition, not sure if it's going to run for another 12 or 8 weeks, but I'd like to see maybe 10 more pounds shed, so when my dieting actually stops, if I gain a few pounds I'll still be good. 

Before anyone starts thinking I'm just a crazy girl trying to be skinny, I want to clarify that my weight became an issue for me during chemotherapy.  Of course I figured I'd lose weight, like the people do in the movies, but not this girl.  I actually put on about 35 lbs.! 

My chemo cycle was one treatment everything three weeks.  So the day before and after my chemo I would be on steroids.  Due to the chemo my appetite would be horrible for a few days, but after the first few days, I certainly made up for it.  I would eat cake, cookies, donuts, McDonalds, Burger King, etc., everyday.  I craved sweets.  My mom would stay with me all day, and if I wanted a milk shake, she run and buy me one!  She was way to good to me.  But with that luxury, I certainly took advantage of it. 

Fast forward to a year and one half after treatments, I'm at the highest weight I've ever seen (minus pregnancy) and just had no clue how to get rid of it.  I had started attending Jazzercise classes, but not as regular as I should.  Sure, I lost a few pounds, but not enough. 

So when the two weight lost competitions fell into my lap, I couldn't resist.  I'm so happy I participated in both of them!  A great benefit of the competition is seeing people I know (and actually care about) make changes to better their lifestyles.  I've seen close friends shed pounds by eating healthy, exercising and making smarter choices all around. 

I look forward to sharing my weight loss journey with you as it continues.  I'd also be happy to cheer any of you on during your own journeys.  Just drop me a email or comment!  I know how much every one's faith and wishes helped me!


Angie said...

Way to go girl! Huge congrats to you :)

Cassandra Holdeman said...

Way to go! Congratulations!!! That is a huge accomplishment. I am looking to lose about 45 lbs and am just getting started so I love hearing that it is possible. Keep up the great work!

Samantha said...

That's great! Congratulations and keep up the good work! :)

Faith said...

I knew you would win!! Big congrats to you!!! :)

every day is a journey said...

YAY Congrats

Crystal Seed said...

Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome! So proud! I'm down 15 lbs!! It feels awesome!

Cindy said...

Awesome! I could tell you were gonna do it -- focused and determined! Your bingo trip sounds fun, too!

Laura said...

Congratulations! Good job!

Anonymous said...

That's so awesome! you go girl! Knew you could do it!! :)

GTuck said...

Congratulations, even though you killed me at the end. :)

Mikki said...

Yay you!

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