February 3, 2012

[Gurlee]Girrl on Friday

First - I want to welcome all of my new Followers!  Thanks for stopping by and following along! 

I want to thank all of the fabulous ladies who dropped by and offered up their favorite "dark" colored polishes last week.  I now have a few different options and look forward to trying them out! 

While browsing an Avon book at work, I happened upon a a bargain.  My Avon rep had a sticky note attached to her book advertising two polishes she had available for $1.50.  One was a sheer pink, and the other was this beauty:

Avon Nailwear Pro - Vintage Boutique

I love it.  It reminds me of chocolate ice cream!! So pretty.

I've never been a fan of Avon polish, but I was very happy with this one.  It had good coverage after one coat, but I did two because I always do.  It dried fairly quick too.  I think I'll be trying out a few other colors soon.

You should head over  HERE or HERE to see some other fab nails this week.

Now on to some Randomness on Friday:
  • Booked my son's 7th birthday party.  We will be playing Laser Tag. He will be so excited.  I'll be happy that the party is not at my house = no clean-up!  PERFECT!
  • Had a successful Super Bowl Hot Dog Day at work today.  I am the "head" of our company's Activities Committee.  Who knew that people would flock to get a free Super Bowl Square?  We sold out of hot dogs (200) and had over 100 people show up to claim a square.  I would call that a success.
  • I purchased 7 squares for the Big Game.  I won't get rich off of any of them if I win, but it will make the game way more interesting if I have something to look forward too, like the score!
  • Going to try some new Paleo recipes this weekend.  Paleo pizza and chicken wings are at the top of my list.
  • Although I have THE BEST bowling team, we are in LAST place in our league!  This is just too funny to me.  Since we are all pretty good bowlers, we have to "give" too many pins to our competition each week.  Sometimes it's hard to make up 250 points in a game - unless everyone is bowling well.  We just haven't been able to pull it together.  Oh well - at least it's fun!
  • Totally looking forward to spending some time outside this weekend.  The weather should be mild (40ish), so I'm hoping to get a good hike in.
  • Cannot wait to get my hair done Sunday.  You reading this Jenny Jenny? Bangs are too heavy (not really too long), and I need my color touched up - those greys are showing up again!  Girl problems I tell ya!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! BTW, who are you rooting for:


Vicki said...

Ohhhh ... that color is really really pretty!!! :)

Unknown said...

That brown is great! Not too taupe-y!

Samantha said...

GO PATRIOTS! The Giants are on my bad-list since they beat the Packers (i'm from Wisconsin)!!

Unknown said...

Love it. Pretty with your tone.

Anonymous said...

I love that color!! Its dark, but soft. :) Perfect, and it will match anything!

Angie said...

I love Avon- I'm somewhat addicted!

I'm rooting for the Patriots. I have a $20.00 bill riding on them :)

Enjoy your weekend. We probably won't be outdoors much here. It's supposed to be cold & rainy, yuck!

tara said...

i have that color but havent used it yet! i think i'll use it next time i paint my nails! its so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Nice color

Lisa said...

great nailpolish color


Janie said...

Love that brown - so pretty!