July 11, 2012

So What! Wednesday

So What (2)

  • IF I spent way too much time setting up our company picnic today and couldn’t get any of my regular work done. It was a perfect day to spend outside!


  • IF at said company picnic I had 3 bowls of food. At least they were little bowls.

3 bowls

  • IF I’m totally exhausted from “working” the picnic and I’m hoping to catch my second wind because I’m going to see Savages tonight.


  • IF I go out to dinner after eating my big lunch today, sometimes you just have to indulge.

What are you saying So What? to today??


Angie said...

Glad you got to spend the day outside! That always makes working more tolerable. I don't blame ya for having three bowls of food. That food looks yummy, especially the fruit :)

Have a good day dear!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm saying So what to the fact that after looking at that picture with the yummy foods....i was thinking to myself, Cupcakes cupcakes cup...ohmygosh WATERMELON!!

Did you love the movie?!

Nicole said...

Wow, I need to get out in the world more, I don't know what Savages is...

Faith said...

So fun! I wish I could do that!

The food looks delish!

You look great in pink!