June 13, 2012

Picnic in the Park

Today was Colton’s Picnic in the Park celebrating the end of First Grade!  Boy did the year fly by!  As challenging as it was for him this year, he has impressed me with his eagerness and the pure enjoyment he shows in learning new things.  He loves to read books to me, play word and card games and is always asking to use the computer to practice his math skills.

Colton & Hunter G.

Cole & Hunter

Hunter G., Colton & Chance (BFFs)

3 amigos

Playing Football

boys on ground

One Last Shot Mom!

3 amigos2

2012 First Grade Class


The boys had fun playing football together and enjoyed their picnic lunches.  Trying to get them to pose for pics was difficult!  Those boys are always moving and play so rough.   

I spent a few minutes talking with Colton’s teacher about our summer plans and she assured me that she has taken special care in recommending Colton’s teacher next year.  She was so sweet and gave me a gift for being Co-Room Mom this year.  Is this not just the cutest idea ever!?!?  Fingerprint Art!!  And Colton as a little ball player – just PERFECT!


cole fingerprint

We had fabulous weather which helped make it an awesome day.  I’m sad that the school year is coming to an end, but excited to start working on our 2012 Summer Bucket List and preparing him for Second grade!  My “baby” is growing up!


Faith said...

So sweet! I love seeing little children with their friends :)

How sweet of his teacher to do that!

Angie said...

Summer is the best!!! I can't wait to see what is on your bucket list!
Before you know it friend he will be headed off to middle school. I seriously can't believe Anika is in 8th grade this coming year. One more year and my baby will be in High School. How crazy is that!!!

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful idea that the teacher did that! how neat!! :)

Nicole said...

What fun, but holy cow, you're just now getting out of school? Schools around here have been out since around this time last month. Wow!