June 8, 2012

[Gurlee]Girrl Friday

Linking up with Tara and Vicki for another:

Nail Files

This week I chose:

Sally Hansen color ROCK N ROLL


It took 3 coats to get it this dark!  I’m not a fan, but I put too much time into it to not wear it for a few days. I’ve had it one for 3 days and it didn’t last very good either. I think because I had 3 coats and 1 top coat it was to thick and began peeling.  This color is quickly going into my daughter’s collection.

Now on to some Friday randomness:

  • I am so getting pumped up for the weekend!  The weather should be awesome – reaching 90 tomorrow!!  Thank goodness we have a pool – my kiddos have no excuse to complain to me about the heat.  They are both already little-tanned pool bums.
  •   I will be hitting the golf course for the first time in awhile.  I hope I’m not to embarrassed by my performance. 
  • I attended two school functions yesterday, one at my son’s school - Volunteer Appreciation Day where his class sang a few songs, and one for my daughter’s class – her choir concert.  So I guess you can say it was a musical type of day.  I have little bit of Cole’s class performing – of course being the crazy mom that I am – I cried through most of it – damn you Tamoxifen pills!  My boy is in the middle row – 2 in from the right.
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
  • I am totally in love with my Keurig machine.  I alternate between my three favorite flavors:


       Do you have a favorite flavor I might be missing out on????  DO TELL

  • I’m very proud of the GTuck for landing a new job, and he wasn’t even looking for one!  He’s excited to take on the challenge, and although I’m sad I won’t get to lunch with him as often, the opportunity is to good to pass up.  Congrats!!!
  • As much as I L-O-V-E my iPhone (which I’ve had for 2 years), it still takes me twice as long to text on it.  I totally fat finger every letter, and the motherfreaking auto-correct is even more aggravating!! Am I the only hater out there?
  • And while laying out by my pool this weekend – I’m sure I’ll be drinking on a few of these - just wish they were calorie free!

country time

Have an awesome weekend friends!!!


Faith said...

i love the color. too bad it took too many coats to get it that dark. i hate that. and sometimes i wonder why i even bother with nail polish because of the chipping, but i just can't help myself, hehe.

have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Chocolate glazed donut is my absolute favorite K cup...it really does taste like a donut!

Kimberlee said...

Aww damn that sucks that it took so many coats... looks like a pretty color

Crystal said...

He color is pretty but 3 coats are a lot. That raspberry coffee concoction sounds good!

Anonymous said...

Pretty color!!! Next time when using it, apply white underneath it as your 'base color'...that should cut down the amount of layers that you have to do...possibly one, but for full coverage over the white, two coats. Not only does it help with the layers, of the same color, but it makes the color pop!! It works the same way like if you wanted brighter eye shadow, you'd use a base, or white eye liner that you have blended out to make a white layer before applying the eye shadow :)

Cute video as well!!

Laura said...

I cant stand auto correct!!!! I try to speak my messages as much as I can! I really like the nail color too bad it chips. Is it an older color or just the brand? I love sally hansen hard as nails treatment but have never tried actual nail color.

tara said...

bummer that it took so many coats! i'm too impatient to do more than 2!

Lindsay said...

I like the color! 3 coats is ridiculous. You could paint your toes with one coat and it would be pretty.

Nicole said...

Arizona Iced Tea makes Arnold Palmers (the half lemonade/half tea) and I think for once I found something I like :). Hope you had a fabulous weekend!

Janie said...

I hate getting nail polishes that turn out to be lame :/ It's a pretty color, but that's useless unless it stays on!

I love Donut Shop coffee - but I like the original. I also love Green Mountain's coffees :)