January 9, 2012

Thumbs Up Monday

It's Monday - what better way to start the week than with a Thumb Up!

Jenny Jenny is giving a thumb up to starting our new weight loss competition. We will be participating in a 12-week program that will end on April 1st.  A very nice cash prize ($$$) is up for grabs.  And who can't use a few extra hundred dollars?!  To be the good sport that I am, I wish Jenny Jenny, GTuck and Chrissy good luck...but FYI - I plan on winning that prize!   This GurleeGirrl wants a new Coach purse (and smaller tummy & thinner thighs)!

I'm giving a thumb up to kicking butt at work today!  Not only did I finish my management reports early, I have two full days to tweak my PowerPoint presentations!  That means NO STRESS on me. 

p.s.  Leave it to Jenny Jenny to give us a Thumb Down moment this past week.  My girl showed up in the wrong bowling shirt.  Didn't she know, that shirt is so last year?!?! 

 What are you giving a Thumb Up to today?


Anonymous said...

I'm giving a thumbs up to being a new follower!!

Angie said...

I'm giving a thumbs up to some extra sleep this morning. My little guy decided to sleep in and that made this momma happy!

Good luck on the weight loss competition. Keep us posted on how your doing :)

Faith said...

that is so fun! good luck on the competition! i hope you win!

i'm giving thumbs up that i actually stuck to my healthy meal plan for today and did not take the chocolates at work that i was craving sooo terribly!

have a great week :)

Alyssa said...

I'm giving a thumbs up to a great new year! So far hahaha!