October 1, 2012

Football, Dominos & Tombstones

My weekend was full of good times. 

I have successfully caught up on this season’s Sons of Anarchy. Can’t say I’m happy about this last episode, but I guess I’m not surprised.  Also watched a ton more of Homeland and am looking forward to watching the first episode of Season 2 this week.  In case you aren’t watching – those are two of the best shows on TV. 

Also caught up on this season’s Parenthood.  I normally cry during every episode, but I foresee me being a complete and utter mess from here on out.  Obviously Christina being diagnosed with breast cancer (coincidently during Breast Cancer Awareness month?) hits me way too close for comfort.  I use TV as a way to “escape” my reality, and even after only seeing the “preview” I was thinking about my own battle.  I guess I’d like to see how the family copes with a new baby, Haddie being away at school and the crazy amount of time and energy needed to care for Max, it’s going to get rough.  This show has rocked just about every storyline, so I hope they do not disappoint with this. I may or may not have had a huge pity party after watching it too.  It’s still hard to deal with the emotions I feel about my battle and the chance of a reoccurrence.  I deal with it the best I can, and most days I’m able to suppress the fear.  Seeing all the “pink ribbons” everywhere - October is a rough month for me for sure.

I wasn’t just sitting in front of the TV all weekend (although it appears so).  I did accomplish some things outside too.  Remember last week the kids wanted to decorate for Halloween – and we only accomplished inside?  Well we started outside. It’s not done, but they are content for now.



Tomb 3


Tomb 2


Also learned a new game this weekend.  It is called Mexican Train Dominoes.  Since I never played regular dominoes I can’t say if it’s any different, but we all had so much fun – especially when you get to push the train button.  We danced and danced our way through the game.  I should have video taped that.

Mexican Dominos

Jenny Jenny did cut my hair.  I couldn’t talk her into coloring it yet though.  She is going to have me go to the salon for that, since I was going to drastically change my color.  Well, after a few days of thinking, I might just be leaving it alone.  I have looked back at some pics of me with darker hair and it makes me remember how much I hate me with dark hair.  So, thank you Jenny Jenny for telling me no.

Sunday brought us another great game played by the boys of our Demolition team.  Colton scored another touchdown! I am so proud of him and how much better he is this year.  He might be small, but the boy is fast! 

I may or may not have eaten really bad this weekend too.  But it’s Monday, and I’m working on turning that around.  Wish me luck.

Did you do anything exciting this weekend?  Have you started decorating for Halloween?  I ‘m looking for some costume ideas for me, so shoot any idea my way.

yolomondays200x200lightpinkFINALweekend update


♥ Marcy ♥ said...

Holy crap I love your decorating but especially your owl! I am obsessed with owls... I have just recently jumped on the Sons of Anarchy bandwagon and I am in "catch up" mode! Never watched parenthood but have heard it's amazing! I am so so sorry that this is a rough month for you! Praying that you get through it with ease... My Granny and my Mom-In-Law both have been survivors of it! HUGS

Tiffany said...

I'm a total Parenthood fan---love it! I bet it is a hard to watch Christina going through that on the show. Hugs to you!

Visiting from Weekend Recap.


Brittany said...

Stopping by from the link up. I love Parenthood but I have only seen the 1st season!! I need to get the second one ASAP

Angie said...

Your weekend does sound quite pleasent!

Sorry you still struggle with your battle. Sometimes coping is a hard thing to do. Sending my prayers for you.

Your decor is amazing. I was looking at the pics thinking "really?" I haven't put up anything yet but when I do it's a few mums, some hay and a pumpkin or too LOL!

I've done that so many times with my hair too. Sometimes it's a good thing people don't let us act on impulse!

Have a good rest of the week friend

Nicole said...

I love all the Halloween decorations!

Anonymous said...

Can you come decorate my house?!?! it doesn't have anything halloweenish :(

OH OH .look what i did last night..well my friend did it, but i thought you'd love to see it !!
