August 7, 2012

August Blog Star!


Hi, I’m Heather, a.k.a. GurleeGirrl, and I’m a Blog Star!!!

Oh – and I love dessert.


When I’m not hanging out with famous singers:


Canaan Smith / Jordan Knight (NKOTB) / Adam Krier (AM Taxi)

I’m trying to teach My Little Miss how to be a Little Lady:


All she seems to get from me is her overly-dramatic way of texting (any my obsession of designer purses):


I’m also the mom to Batman:


Or is he Iron Man?


No, really, he’s just My Little Man:


Back in 2010 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer.  It was scary and it sucked.  Since then, I’ve been trying to be open to new things, I have been on some adventures and just like to have fun.

I blog about my family, my friends, nail polish, movies, TV, music, food and anything that floats my boat.  I look forward to getting to know some new blog friends soon!



Call Me PMc said...

Heyy!! thanks for stopping by I'm following you on GFC now, do you Twitter? I'm @Paula_Mc_Jones if you do. Love your blog!

Kristen said...

i love dessert too, and that dessert looks amazing =)

Jessica said...

OMG I was such a fan of NKOTB!!! LOL. And my mom was also diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 as well, just a few month before our little girl was born. Her ony granddaughter was the only thing that kept her going...she is now cancer free!!

Look forward to reading more!! =)


Unknown said...

So glad you linked up! That text killed me with giggles. I love your response "shape up!"

Mrs. Monologues

Laura said...

I LOVE the pictures of your little man tooooo cute! Your daughter is adorable as well. Teaching her to shop I see. I love it.
Have a good day Heather!

Life With Lauren said...

They are so adroable! I can't imagine how hard that must have been! Can't wait to read about the adventures!

Anonymous said...

i love everything about this post!