April 30, 2012

Thumb Up Monday!

I've been really missing my Thumb Ups Monday, so I decided I would start this week off with one!

This week I'm giving a Thumb Up to:
  • My awesome Bingo Bus weekend!  There were winners (and losers) -some may have drank too many cocktails - others may have eaten too many buffet meals - but we ALL had a great time!! 
  • My short 2-1/2 day work week!  I will be heading to Traverse City this weekend for my cousin's wedding and will be making it a mini vacation by treating the kids to a few days at the Great Wolf's Lodge.  This will be a treat for me too!
On a serious note, due to the results of my C/T Scan being questionable, tomorrow I have a PET Scan scheduled in the afternoon to check a spot they've been watching on my lung.  Any and all good thoughts, prayers and well wishes are appreciated!  As always, I'm nervous and hate the idea of getting/being sick again - and waiting out test results is extremely nerve racking.         


Angie said...

Glad your Bingo Bus trip was so fun! I LOVE playing Bingo. Yay for short work weeks and for time away. Hope you enjoy. We love the Wolf Lodge so much. I want to take my kids back soon :)

Lots of good thought and prayers coming your way as you await the Pet Scan results.

Laura said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you girl!!

if you need me, im only a city away!!!

:) <3

Cindy said...

Sending positive thoughts your way...I'm sorry for what this must be doing to your nerves...!!