August 3, 2012

[Gurlee]Girrl Friday

The Nail Files Button

This week I had a bad nail week – broke at least 3!  Camping is not nail-friendly!  Oh well, it was a good time anyways!  On to this weeks color:

Nails 8-3

I am really digging Sinful Colors polish.  It’s cheap, goes on smooth and they have some great color options.  This Cream Pink is one of my favorites.  It’s a true pink and not “too much” for the office.  It’s a great go-to color.  I threw on some polka dots for fun. 

Now on to some Friday randomness:

  • Looking forward to seeing Sugarland tomorrow, complete with a “backyard” BBQ put on by the local country station.  This will be my first time seeing them, and I know it will be a great show!   I think Jennifer Nettles has an amazing voice and can’t wait to hear her live.
  • This week I’ve seen several “teasers” for the upcoming season of Doctor Who.  Rumor is the season will begin August 25th!!!  To say I’m excited is an understatement.  However, I’m crazy mad that Amy and Rory will be replaced with a new “companion” this season.  SAY IT AIN”T SO!!!!!

Dr. Who 8-3

  • Is it me, or do you just feel a little bit prettier right after you get your haircut?  Today is a good hair day!
  • My phone gaming addiction has now spread to my 7-year old son.  He asked me to load Jewels with Friends on to his iPod.  He then challenged me to like 50 games. He is doing surprisingly well.  I figured it would be hard for him (as it is for me – it’s my worst game yet), but no worries, the little bugger has already beat me! 
  • I’m actually looking forward to starting my back-to-school shopping for the kids.  I remember how excited it was for me when my mom took me shopping for new school clothes.  Ashley has hit a growth spurt this summer and most of her jeans will not work for her this year.  She will be getting a whole new wardrobe.  Lucky girl.

I’m going to wrap this up and wish everyone a great weekend! 


Nicole said...

I really don't remember a special, back to school shopping day. I got clothes/supplies when needed but I don't remember the big deal. Around here (this weekend in fact) they do away with sales tax on back to school stuff.

Unknown said...

Your nails look fab! And I ALWAYS feel prettier after a haircut. Err...a GOOD haircut, anyway. ;)

Anonymous said...

love that color... actually anything that looks like hot pink i love.

Angie said...

That is a beautiful color!
Enjoy the concert and the rest of your weekend. I love Sugarland!

tara said...

that is such a pretty pink! and i love the dots you added! :)

Joni said...

love this! the little detail is subtle but just the right touch! i will have to try this!

Franziska said...

I really like the look of sinful colors, but the ones i've tried are always super matte. Do you have that same problem or is it just me?

Monica said...

Cute nails! And yes, I always feel better after a haircut! I finally had the chance to treat myself to all that good stuff this past weekend.

Sarah said...

i LOVE sugarland- did you like them? i also LOVE sinful colors but i have bright blue one that doesn't come off! seriously- my fingers around my nails turned blue when i used nail polish remover!!

Kimberlee said...

Super cute nails!

Janie said...

Love that pink!! And the dot accents (: