March 2, 2012

[GurleeGirrl] Friday

Thankfully I've made it through another wonderful week! I love knowing that the weekend is starting, and the idea of getting some downtime.  So excited to sleep in a little.  It's the small things that make me happy.

As usual, I am linking up with  Vicki and Tara for this weeks:

I actually tried a new nail polish brand this week, L.A. Colors.  My daughter received a gift pack of colors for her birthday, so I thought I'd give it a shot. 

I chose the color Palm Tree.  I added and Ulta blue glittery polish on my accent nail and finished off with my new FAVORITE top coat by Sally Hansen.

The LA Color was smooth, however I needed several coats to achieve the coverage I like.  It dries with a matte finish, but the top coat added the gloss I like. 

It has been a rough nail week - I broke 4 - so they look all jacked up.  My hands looks hideous all knicked up too!  It's embarassing to show them off, but I do think it's a fun color, so I wanted to share.

Now, on to some Friday Randomness:

  • I'm extremely excited to be going to see one of my favorite performers of all time - Rick Springfield!!!  Best of all, I won the tickets - so it's a free night out!  I know Rick Springfield is so 1984, but I think that's why I love him so much.  I remember my dad buying his cassette tape for me and dancing around my bedroom.  Everytime I hear one of those songs, I feel like a littel girl again.  I'm really looking forward to hearing this song:
  • I plan on visiting the golf dome again this weekend.  I love that each week I'm improving and actually feel like I'm beginning to get this whole golfing thing down.
  • This is the first weekend in a long time that I haven't had a kids sport function to attend.  As much as I enjoy them, I'm glad we are getting a break before baseball starts up.  I think everyone needs a rest.
  • So glad to be getting my hair done this weekend!!! Jenny Jenny is going to have fun with this mane.  It's out of control.
  • I won the weigh-in again this week against my co-worker.  Only one more week to go.  Hopefully I can pull off a good final week and run away with the top prize of $200!
  • Bought my ticket for opening night of The Hunger Games.  CAN NOT WAIT!
Have a great weekend!


    Cindy said...

    Love the nail color and the accent! Sports free weekends are always nice - I know the feeling! Can't wait to hear about your weekend!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

    Love your mani!! Great combo!! And Rick Springfield...brings me back!:-)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

    tara said...

    love that nail polish! great color combo! :)

    Laura said...

    love the color! Enjoy your weekend!

    Janie said...

    That LA Colors shade is so pretty!! :)

    Kimberlee said...

    Your nails look gorgeous! I love the color combo :)

    Angela said...

    So pretty! I love the accent nail color!

    Faith said...

    I love that color !!! So fab!! And how exciting that you already got your tickets!! I'm do excited for Hunger Games !!!

    Anonymous said...

    Jesse's Girl.. I LOVE That song!! That always turns a bad day into a good one...until the song is over...then you just play it again! :)