May 21, 2012

Say Hello to My Little Friends

I've told you before how much I love living in Michigan and what a beautiful State it is.  I have a Metro Park and State Park within 20 minutes of my home.  I have lived in Michigan my entire life, and am ashamed to say that up until last year, I had never visited either one. 

Last week we decided to head to Kensington Metro Park for some hiking.  We had hiked this trail earlier this year, and it was beautiful.  

I will not lie, I was in heaven.  The weather was perfect, the trail was nearly empty with the exception of some new friends we met along our way:

We encountered this momma and baby bird as we entered the trail.  We could reach out and touch them if we wanted (we didn't!). 

We happened upon this red beauty!  Apparently the birds are very friendly here and are hand-fed by many of the visitors.  Therefore, they follow you around, buzz around your head, etc., with hopes of you feeding them.  I was a little scared - because they were everywhere, but I settled down after I figured they weren't going to attack!

This big boy wanted to by my friend, but he scared me too.  He was very courteous and shared the trail with me.

Next we happened upon some deer.  There were 3 of them.  They were a distance off, but kept watching us - while we were watching them.  It was awesome.

Along the same part of the trail, we happened upon two turkeys.  As much as I tried to get their picture, they just were too far away and blended in with the trees and foilage. 

Lastly, we came upon these tiny babies!! They were the cutest babies ever!  They were very scared, huddled together smack dab in the middle of the trail.  I was a little worried for them since it was about 7ish in the evening and I'm sure they should not have been out and about.  We looked around for the momma, thinking she may be close, but we didn't see her.  I just pray these babies found their way back home.

After our hiking trip, we ate some food and watched the sun set over the lake.  It was the perfect ending to a perfect evening!

Now that I am aware of the hidden gems in my own backyard, I plan on spending lots of time exploring and enjoying all these parks have to offer! 


Cindy said...

We love Kensington, too, and should go more often! Have you been to their farm? Looks like the animals love you!

Unknown said...

Aww what awesome pics!! I'm not that far from Michigan, maybe I can check out those parks this summer!!

Faith said...

Such great pictures! I can't imagine having that in our town! So cool! My MIL is deadly afraid of birds ... I can only imagine her on that trail and it makes me laugh!

Glad you had a great weekend!

alyaia75 said...

I have never been to Kensington! It's been on my list for awhile, but we haven't made it there yet. I think it's about an hour or so from me, and I'm sure my kids would love it. Those birds! I have never seen those big tall birds, do you know what they are?

Laura said...

So pretty! What kind of bird was that with the long legs? I have never seen one before.

Mrs. Weber said...

I LOVE Kensington! Isn't it amazing? Next time you go, be sure to check out the beaches, petting farm and the splash pad. So much fun!

Anonymous said...

I love love love Kensington ! :)

I agree with Mrs.Weber, they are so much fun, and the petting farm is great with the kids/little ones!

I love that place, it's calming. :) Glad you had fun!

Mel said...

I love Kensington as well, although I'm more partial to Stoney Creek since it is closer to me! Your pictures are great.