March 14, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Hump Day!! And I must say, for a Wednesday, it's a beautiful day!  We are hitting a high of 73 degrees today!!

I'm linking up with Jamie for:

  • I'm loving the new Doritos Locos Taco Supreme!  I jumped on the bandwagon and headed for the border - Taco Bell - and this taco is AMAZING and at just 200 calories, totally justifiable!  Get there and get one!

  • I'm loving this dress I picked up at H&M this week.  Better yet, I'm loving the price of $17.95! 

  • I'm loving my baby Malibu.  My precious girl "escaped" out of the garage door and took off running.  Luckily she only made it to the neighbors house - thank God they have dogs that pee everywhere - because she stopped dead in her tracks to smell around, which allowed me to scoop her up before she got too far.  I was so scared. 

  • I'm loving my new cheap ($10) sunglasses I bought at Parisian this weekend.  They are pink, purple and fabulous!
  • I'm loving that I get to hit the golf course tonight for the first time this season.  I get to use my new pink golf balls and glove!

Now I want to know, What Are You Loving today?


Unknown said...

That dress is so cute! Gotta love H&M! The new doritos tacos are awesome, had one myself this weekend.

Faith said...

I am so loving that dress! So cute!

I guess, I am going to have to try this taco! I love, love, love Doritos but just couldn't wrap my head around the whole taco thing ... but everyone who has tried it is raving! Taco Bell here I come!!!

Cindy said...

I'm loving everything on your list -- including the same good weather!

GTuck said...

That taco was super good, I want it again already. I can't wait to go golfing today.

Tiffany said...

Love H&M! Their stuff is super cute and totally affordable. Love that dress!

Angie said...

That dress is fabulous!
Happy Wednesday

Ginny said...

Jealous of you that you live near an H&M...wished I had one close by as I would shop there everyday....

Love the dress and I may have to try out those Tacos from Taco Bell!!

Holly said...

Aww! Malibu is adorable! :D
Also, I love your sunglasses, very cool!

Dropping by from WILW!

Anonymous said...

i cannot believe i missed this post... i gave up taco bell so i can't say anything about that.. but it looks good!! lmfao!

but i'm LOVING your new sunglasses!! Now we just need a picture of you in them !!!